Our mission is to embrace the ‘Art of Life’ by creating timeless architecture.

Our aim is to elevate the rituals that comprise daily life to a level that allows for a moment of pause - to appreciate the beautiful moments in life that we often take for granted.

The early morning sunshine peeking through the drapes and landing on the bed. The cool morning breeze passing through the home, carrying the scent of fresh coffee. The soft shadows of the trees dancing on the floors & walls at sunset. These are a few of the fleeting moments that we feel deserve an extra moment of gratitude.

We believe that ultimate simplicity leads to purity.

The journey towards finding out what is essential in our lives is a delicate balance between the pleasure that our possessions give us and the pleasure of freeing ourselves from them.

Essentialism is a natural outcome of a selective process, but not necessarily simple or easy. In a modern urbanized world that is constantly offering us much more than we need, realizing what is essential is key to steering life in a direction that creates happiness and well-being.



A way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay.


The beauty that we can sense in an object even though the beauty doesn’t exist in the literal sense of the word and cannot be seen directly.

Theta Waves

Theta brain wave activity has a frequency of 3.5 to 7.5 Hz and is classed as “slow” activity. It is seen in connection with creativity, intuition, daydreaming, fantasizing and is a repository for memories, emotions, sensations.


Sudden enlightenment and a state of consciousness attained by intuitive illumination representing the spiritual goal of Zen Buddhism. Satori refers to a deep experience of kensho, "seeing into one's true nature".